Life of a Bitcoin Farmer
This week, in Episode 25, we talk to Peter from AZHODL, a husband and wife team from Arizona who strive together to live up to the Bitcoin Standard! And he says that time with our loved ones is the most valuable!
Peter runs an amazing mining project with a Bitmain S19j powered by Solar Panels! He believes that if we embrace that our future needs more energy, we will find the best sources for it. Everything needs the right incentives!
He shares his take on the energy transition towards renewables and about the importance of liquidity and how the community comes to the aid with excess inbound. Severin Bühler from taught him the tricks he needed to make his Lightning Node even more future proof!
Do you also want to know why Peter thinks every Bitcoiner should mine?
Watch or listen to the full interview or start reading below! Enjoy!
You call yourself AZ or AriZonan Hodl, is the Hodl thing also your main strategy if it comes to accumulate bitcoin? Or are you spending your sats as well?
Your AZHODL node has 158 channels. What do you use for managing your node? And do you use some sort of automation?
On your website you say your node has a constant uptime… how can you guarantee that? Do you run a backup system to avoid power outages, weak internet connection or other issues? UPS, ISP
If you think about when you started building your first node. What would you have done differently today?
We talked with Severin Bühler of and also with Carsten Otto last week about the importance of speed, the response time (latency) of a Lightning Node. On your node shows a HTLC response time of 0.2s. What did you do to make your node much faster?
The pursuit of self-sovereignty seems to be very important to you. Do you think Bitcoiners in western countries often want to be self-sovereign in as many areas as possible, for example, permaculture, self-sufficient in energy and then Bitcoin as the next logical step?
Senator Wendy Rogers has introduced a bill proposing to make bitcoin a legal tender in the U.S. state of Arizona beginning 2022. Arizona could become the first U.S. state to recognize bitcoin as legal tender if the bill moves forward and gets approved. Do you have an update on this ? What do you think, is it possible?
I saw your tweet about your experiment with a solar & peak utility to contribute 130Th/s to the network. It was also a shoutout to Chaincode Labs that non-programmers/developers can contribute to the network. Did you attend a seminar with them?
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You are running a project where you test the viability and benefit of using an off grid solar array to offset your utility costs of powering bitcoin miners at home. How did you come up with this idea and how does it work?
This is probably one of our primary questions. I live in Arizona, lots of sun and solar. No incentive to sell it back to the grid. No incentive if the utility has an outage. In my opinion every Bitcoiner should mine using off grid solar powering home miners.
How do you monitor the energy consumption of the miners in comparison with the generated energy consumption of the solar panels?
Some python scripts running on a Raspberry zero tied into my inverter & battery.
Solutions like heating greenhouses with bitcoin miners or making it possible to produce green electricity in remote places by using miners is great and really promising for the future. What is the role of the Lightning network in this movement or how can Lightning help those promising solutions to develop faster.
Will bitcoin play a role in accelerating the energy transition (towards renewable energy) of the world thanks to smart solutions such as Vulcano mining, hydropower, etc. and new inventions emerging from it?
Will the government from Arizona run nodes and miners in an ecologic way in the near future?
Is a fully zero emission bitcoin and Lightning network possible? How fast can we realize that?
Your goal was to make the investment of 0.56 BTC back, within 36 months. Are you succeeding with that?
What was your first experience with the Lightning network and do you still know what you did/saw at that moment?
What is the role of the Lightning Network in your opinion in the adoption of Bitcoin?
Can you give us some insights about the use of the Lightning network in Arizona? For example, can you do your weekly/monthly groceries by paying with sats? (Are there a lot of local merchants accepting Lightning nearby?)
The lack of good financial services, high transaction costs and corrupt governments is accelerating the global adoption of Lightning, but what is driving its adoption in first world countries? (countries without corrupt government, high costs)
It seems that there is an increasing concentration of Lightning nodes in certain places in the world… Do you think this will be a problem in the future or is it just the organic way of growing we see?
Running your own node requires some technical knowledge and you need financial capabilities to buy and maintain one, how can this be accessible to people in developing countries?
Do you believe Bitcoin + the Lightning network is the solution for a lot of the major problems in the world?
Do you think it’s unavoidable that there will be a lot of custodial services around Lightning to really get it out there to the masses?
What tools or services do you use for managing your Lightning Node?
What kind of services do you use to stack sats ? (lolly, games,…)
I saw you are running a Lightning node with LND? Have you tried other distributions?
What has the most influence on your 90th routing score on