Aryan Jabbari | Connect the World

This week, in Episode 35, we talk to Aryan Jabbari, technical co-founder of Scarce City, an online marketplace for Bitcoin goods and Bitcoin NFT’s.
Aryan started Scarce City together with Chris Tramount. They had help from honorary founder Chiefmonkey. He seeded the artist community and had the original idea for bitcoin-based auctions. They believe that everything needs to be sold pseudonymous, borderless, permissionless, trust minimized, and verifiable authenticity and supply.
He shares with us how they implemented Lightning and talks more about his view on Lightning developments.
Do you know what Pepes are? Well, just watch or listen to the full interview or start reading below! Enjoy!
Anthony Potdevin | Connect the World

This week, in Episode 34, we talk to Antony Potdevin, the co-founder at and the main software engineer for the open source project Thunderhub.
Thunderhub is an open-source Lightning Network LND node manager and gives users a great UI to manage their Lightning Node! is a Lightning Network Explorer which released the Magma Liquidity Marketplace in May this year.
We talk about using the Lightning Network as your online identity, about the growth of the amount of Lightning Nodes in the coming years and about future gamification options within Amboss!
To all Node Operators: get your nodes ready and watch or listen to the full interview or start reading below! Enjoy!
Kevin Cai | Connect the World

Lightning is a Moving Target!
This week, in Episode 33, we talk to Kevin Cai, an infrastructure and system engineer working at Kollider. He ensures that all systems at Kollider and their own Lightning Node running continue to run smoothly at all times!
Kollider is a real-time settled derivative exchange. Their trading and settlement system uses the Lightning Network to enable traders to get instant price exposure without having to pre-fund a trading account.
Among a lot of things we talk with Kevin about all the things Kollider is working on, like gamification with trading competitions, where you can win sats as a prize every month. He also shares his thoughts about running a stable Lightning Node and about the future of the Lightning Network!
Watch or listen to the full interview in this brand new show or start reading below!
Enjoy, but beware of Kollider’s addictiveness!
Olga Ukolova | Connect the World

This week, in Episode 31, we talk to Olga Ukolova, the co-founder & COO of Pandora Core and working for the LNP/BP Standards Association and
At Pandora Core she’s busy developing RGB, a 2nd layer technology solution for scalable off-chain programmable digital assets and smart contracts running on top of the Bitcoin network!
We talk about the LNP/BP Standards Association where they oversee the development of industrial standards for Bitcoin and Lightning and drive adoption for censorship resistant infrastructure. Olga also shares her thoughts on yield generation, adoption and Taro. And last but not least she explains the MyCitadel software suite!
When is RGB ready? And do you want to know why RGB is by design not a blockchain or a peer to peer network? Then watch or listen to the full interview or start reading below! Enjoy!
Sergei Tikhomirov | Connect the World

In this Episode they talk about Chaincode Labs, which employs around a dozen people who either work on Bitcoin Core or study more fundamental research problems. And he shares his vision about the developments on the Lightning Network and the importance of Bitcoin and Lightning education.
El Profesor | Connect the World

This week, in Episode 27, we talk to El Profesor, the founder of the Lightning Community Latinodos! This community is completely Spanish speaking! With this, El Profesor fills a void that existed for an all-Spanish Lightning community in regards to running a node.
El Profesor tells us that Spanish-speaking countries have a big challenge getting started or being actively involved in the technicalities of Bitcoin and Lightning. This is due to moderate English proficiency in these Spanish-speaking countries, with the exception of Argentina.
He also talks about the Lightning Network being a social, open and inclusive environment.
This will lead to better products and even more technical developments. Ultimately this will keep adding value and increase the adoption worldwide! Want to know more about the social power of Lightning Communities?
Roosoft | Connect the World

This week, in Episode 26, we talk to Marc Lacoursière (roosoft), a full stack developer building Bitcoin and Lightning apps from Canada! He is the creator of the Igniter script, which saved us a lot of work as it is one of the easiest ways to perform a circular rebalance in a Ring of Fire!
Marc is also busy with the development on Steer, a new app which enables users to make node configuration a breeze! It shows channel states in a mobile friendly web interface. In the future it will be possible to automate redundant tasks such as rebalancing.
He really believes that command line management is not for everybody and focusing on user-friendliness is much more important!
This episode is definitely not just for developers!
This is The Daily Moon

Rss Youtube Telegram Twitter Reddit Instagram Github Envelope The Daily Moon The space where you find all the lightning-related news daily Click here Click here Click here Click here 30 April 2022 | By Joni Kyasshu This is The Daily Moon Rss Youtube Telegram Twitter Reddit Instagram Github Envelope The Daily Moon The space where […]
Koji Higashi | Connect the World

This week, in Episode 24, we talk to Koji Higashi, the founder of the Japanese Lightning Network community Diamond Hands.
Koji helped build Nayuta Core, a fully non-custodial neutrino mobile wallet. He did this together with his best friend in the space, Christian Moss who is the co-founder and head of gaming R&D at ZeBeDee.
They also worked together in the creation of the Bitcoin game Lightning Crush. Players receive real time sats as a reward when making a combo in the game!
If you also love to build new things and always want to try new experiments, then watch or listen to the full interview or start reading below! But watch out, because Koji’s incredible entrepreneurial qualities are highly contagious! Enjoy!
Elle Mouton | Connect the World

This week, in Episode 22, we talk with Elle Mouton, an engineer at Lightning Labs from South Africa. She worked on a lot of projects, for example on Lightning Node Connect (LNC). That’s the communication logic that allows you to access your node from anywhere!
Elle really breathes Bitcoin and Lightning! While working at a crypto exchange, she kept challenging herself to learn more about Bitcoin and Lightning: She build a website to demonstrate how LSATs (Lightning Service Authentication Tokens) could be used, attended the Chaincode Labs seminars, wrote some technical Lightning blog posts and started making more and more contributions to various Lightning Labs projects.
Among a lot of other things, we talk about static invoices and about Aperture, a proxy you can use to create API points for your website without KYC!
Sit tight and watch or listen to the full interview or start reading below! Enjoy!